Give to Dandelion House

Ways To Give

Your gift supports our work with the unhoused community in the Portland area.  Our house of hospitality provides a safe landing place for individuals and families leaving houselessness.  During the 3 to 18 months our guests stay with us, they work towards their goals while forming new friendships and community.  Our hot food program provides up to 150 meals on Fridays, and our community garden provides fresh vegetables for the meals.  All of this is made possible by you, our supporters.  Thank you for being part of our community 

Here are three ways to give:

In-Kind Gifts

We are always in need of food donations, especially meat and fresh vegetables.  Other on-going needs include:

  • creamy peanut butter
  • large containers of jam
  • ground coffee
  • gently used clothing
  • sleeping bags

Please email us here for our most up-to-date needs. 

Cash Gifts

Your cash gifts help us buy groceries, pay our electric bill, and support the needs of our guests.  Use the button below to make an online donation, or make out checks to Dandelion House and mail to:
13319 SE Linden Ln
Portland, OR 97222

Stock Gifts

We also accept stock donations.  Please use the button below, or download this form to give to your stock broker. 

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