Creating Resilient Community

We are an intentional community in Portland, OR, seeking to respond to the intersecting crises we face – including homelessness, climate change, and social collapse – by gathering and organizing people committed to a world rooted in radical justice and nonviolence. 

We are part of the Catholic Worker movement, and welcome people of all faiths and of no faith who desire to work for a more just world.


Our Values


We seek to live in intentional and committed relationship with our neighbors, the land, and all beings who call this place home.


We commit to cultivating deep reverence for all beings and for life itself through listening, mindfulness, and contemplative practice.



We will name and work to nonviolently dismantle the systems of domination that are destroying life on Earth and in our cities and streets.

News and Reflections from Dandelion House

What Home Is

Rebuilding begins with secure, stable relationships. Our guests live with us and share weekly meals as well as household chores. We support them in meeting their goals, whether that’s getting a driver’s license, earning a GED, paying off debts, opening a checking account and saving money, or getting into residential detox. Slowly, we become community.

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Personalism in Action

There are days I yearn to make a difference at scale, the way my brother does, eliminating malnutrition, hunger, and poverty for thousands. Yet, I know my calling is different. My calling is to work with the two, three or four individuals we can house at one time at Dandelion House, or the 120 to 160 people who come to us for a hot meal on Fridays.

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A World Beyond War Is Possible

If we think of Hiroshima at all, we rightly think of all who died that day. I’ve been thinking more recently about all who survived. What was it like for my father to attend school with classmates, every single one of whom had lost siblings, parents, or relatives that day? What is the collective trauma of a generation that grew up in a nuclear wasteland?

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Make Art Not War

Holiday Gift Party this Saturday!

Date: Saturday, December 7
Time: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Join us for a fun afternoon of making spirit- and justice-themed tee-shirts, holiday cards, and more.

John Dear Event CANCELLED

The talk and book signing event on January 18 has been cancelled due to weather.  Our host, Trinity Cathedral will be closed to the public, and all events cancelled.  We encourage you to follow Fr. Dear’s work and his book tour at