Creating Resilient Community

We are an intentional community in Portland, OR, seeking to respond to the intersecting crises we face – including homelessness, climate change, and social collapse – by gathering and organizing people committed to a world rooted in radical justice and nonviolence. 

We are part of the Catholic Worker movement, and welcome people of all faiths and of no faith who desire to work for a more just world.


Our Values


We seek to live in intentional and committed relationship with our neighbors, the land, and all beings who call this place home.


We commit to cultivating deep reverence for all beings and for life itself through listening, mindfulness, and contemplative practice.



We will name and work to nonviolently dismantle the systems of domination that are destroying life on Earth and in our cities and streets.

News and Reflections from Dandelion House

Our Daily Rhythms

Tadaima. Okaeri. Itadakimasu. Like the greetings heard around the house that meter our days, the ordinary rhythms of daily life – work, school, chores, meals – provide the cadence of our life in community. Yet it is precisely this ordinariness that begins to heal what needs healing in each of us, Catholic Workers and guests alike.

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In the Heart of Winter

Winter is the contemplative season. The days are shorter, trees and other plants go dormant, and the world seems to slow down. We are naturally less active, giving us a chance to turn our attention from the outer landscape to our inner heartscape. Perhaps we sleep more, and let the world of dreams speak to us. We sit. We read. We pray.

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Catholic Workers and friends at Christmas

Personalism and the Catholic Worker

The gift of life at the Catholic Worker is the gift of freedom to be ourselves. Here, we are empowered to be who God created us to be – people in community, offering the world the gift of our authentic selves. It’s quite simple, what we do. In response to houselessness, we offer a room; in response to hunger, warm food; in a world of loneliness, community; amidst meaninglessness, prayer; in the face of nuclear madness, protest.

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John Dear Event CANCELLED

The talk and book signing event on January 18 has been cancelled due to weather.  Our host, Trinity Cathedral will be closed to the public, and all events cancelled.  We encourage you to follow Fr. Dear’s work and his book tour at